Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Under 18 need not apply: Should Pagans Teach Minors?

Now I am not suggesting that you avoid your own childrens questions.
It's a wonderful feeling when you realize that someone is looking to
you for answers to the great questions in life. The great challenge is
to help a seeker realize that those answers require a lifetime of
searching, and that the pathway will not disappear when childhood
passes. Why does the young person want to learn about the Pagan path.
Is it a genuine desire to grow closer to Mother Earth, or is it because
Wicca is cool? If it's the former, don't despair-recommended books and
classes at your local Pagan store might be sufficient.
Should we as Pagan teach minors? No one is ever to young to learn to
love the Earth Neo-Paganism. If a child is called to the Goddess and
God, that is between the Sacred Folk and the child. A teacher can
provide information, share experiences and offer support and guidance.
Parents have their own ideas about what sort of religion their child
should have. This is where we as Pagans need to remember who we are.
Blessed Be


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